
Inidhu Inidhu tamil film Songs

Cast and Crew:
Starring: Narayan, Arun Iswaran, Vimal, Sharan Sharma, Reshmi Menon, Sonia Deepti, Benaas, Gia Umar
Director: K. V. Guhan
Producter: Prakash Raj
Composer: Mikey.J.Meyer
Lyrics: Vairamuthu & Na.Muthkumar
Banner: Duet Movies

Track list/Play Inidhu Inidhu Songs Onilne

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Ammakale O Appakale - Mickey J Meyer, Krishna Chaitnaya, Aditya, Kranti, Sasikiran, Siddarth
Inbam Ethirale - Karthik, Timmy, Grid Lock
Inidhu Inidhu - Karthik
Vazhkai Oru - Karthik

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